Robotex Viking Server 1.0.6 Build 355 and prior for Windows 95 and NT remote buffer overflow exploit. Binds a shell to a port.
Mobius DocumentDirect for the Internet 1.2 remote exploit. Binds a shell to a port.
Windows 2000 telnet server denial of service exploit.
awcrash.c exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability in Windows 95 and 98 which will result in a crash if a filename with an extension longer that 232 characters is accessed. Although arbitrary code could be executed via this manner, it would have to be composed of valid filename character values only.
Gopher+ v2.3.1p0 remote exploit - Spawns a remote shell on tcp port 36864 under the UID that the gopher+ daemon runs as. Tested against Linux Slackware 3.6 / 7.0.
Wu-Ftpd 2.4.2, 2.5, and 2.6 are commonly misconfigured on linux to allow users which only have a valid FTP account to execute code. This code takes advantage of this configuration, mentioned in SUID Advisory #1 to execute a backdoor on the remote host.
SuSe 6.1 through 6.4 local exploit - when root switches users, /tmp/ will be the $HOME. This exploit will create a suid (user) shell when root su's to a user account.
Gnapster 1.3.8 and Knapster 0.9 remote view file exploit.
ProFTPD 1.2pre4 remote buffer overflow exploit. Requires a writable directory.
JRun 2.3 remote buffer overflow exploit. Runs a shell on the port where the JRun webserver daemon is running.
iisdos.c is a dos attack against Microsoft Windows 2000.0 running IIS.
Debian 2.1 local root exploit - A vulnerability exists in the apcd package shipped with Debian 2.1.
The WC Remote Administration Tool (v1.2b) is a Windows remote control trojan coded in Delphi. The client is in C and runs on unix. Includes a tool (LookItUp.c) to test a host for infection. Archive password is set to p4ssw0rd. Use at your own risk.
HTTP-XpsScanner scans a remote webserver for 77 vulnerable cgi scripts.