Lessons Learned from the 2600 DeCSS Case - Linking Rules for "Hacking" and Other Alternative Websites. This article will look at the courts linking arguments and suggest ways that web sites can avoid legal problems.
Port Scanning: Is it illegal? This paper discusses the one federal court ruling on this point.
Write Code Go to Jail: A look at the DMCA criminal liability for non-US software developers.This article will explain the relevant criminal provisions of the DMCA, and explore how the US Attorney has applied the law to foreign software developers. Finally, taking both into consideration, I will suggest theoretical suggestions for non-US firms facing such dilemmas.
The Impact of the USA Patriot Act on Network Security Practice - The patriot act contains some of the most substantial changes to U.S. federal cybercrime laws since the last major revisions of 1996. Many of these changes will have a direct impact on the way networked firms prepare and react to cybercrime incidents.