This Metasploit module exploits an integer overflow vulnerability in the unserialize() function of the PHP web server extension.
This pam backdoor allows access to a machine using a backdoor password and arbitrary commands can also be executed without logging in. Logs normal users passwords to a log file. Configurable without recompilation.
Buffer Builder v1.5 is a tool which assists in building buffer overflow strings for local and remote exploits. Goes well with a disassembler and netcat and contains several useful shell codes.
Proof of concept PAM backdoor for Linux and FreeBSD that adds a magic password.
Elf binder v1.5 will bind a tar file to the end of an executable. It will then untar the file in /tmp, run the installation script, and can be useful for automation.
Drdos v2.0 is a tool for distributed reflection denial of service attacks.