UNIX/Win remote vulnerability exploit scanner with Fixes for Vulnerabilities. based on ben-z fts-rvscan scanner. Includes: WINSCAN (scans win/nt systems for latest trojans/remote exploits), VETE (single vuln/host scanner) VETES (single vuln/host w/o host checking), VETEMASS (mass vuln/host scanner), CMSD mass/get (a b c scanner and getter), AMD/get (mass a b c scanner and getter), MOUNTD/get ( mass a b c scanners/getter), many exploits, Fixes, and utils included. Courtesy of VetesGirl
FAQ and Guide to Cracking.
Password protected remote shell daemon that integrates a syn flooder, bouncer/gateway, port scanner, and remote root exploits. Courtesy of Mixter
Scans for the default logins on IRIX boxes. Courtesy of Mixter
Multithreaded high speed scanner that scans for 6 different daemons, and records the version of every daemon for analysis. Courtesy of Mixter
Unix internet worm; for a description see Mixter
Performance/speed optimized bind scanner that finds dns servers vulnerable to the iquery exploit scanning from a list of IPS. Courtesy of Mixter
A unix virus (ELF infector). Courtesy of Mixter
Linux promiscous ethernet sniffer that sends sniffer traffic to a remote logging daemon. this sniffer comes with optional strong (96byte 3way) encryption. Courtesy of Mixter
Ping observation tool is a highspeed tool to sweep for smurf broadcast amplifiers, it compiles a broadcast amplifier list of the complete IPv4 address range in about 5 days (with enough bandwidth). Courtesy of Mixter
Remote DoS against 11 different IP stack holes on various OS's, supports attacking a c-class ip range. Courtesy of Mixter
Distributed flood network client/server that can be installed on a large number of hosts and used to hit a target with high bandwidth simultaneously. communicates over icmp and supports udp, syn, icmp/8, smurf flood and more. Courtesy of Mixter
Modified version of Todd Vierling's datapipe, where you can specify a name that will be displayed instead of the process' name. Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Phf - test-cgi - htmlscript - view-source - wrap - campas - pfdisplay - webdist - aglimpse - php - nph-test-cgi scanner. Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Network datapipe. Linux - perl source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Cryptographic utility using private key (4096 bytes), random salting. DOS - binary. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Simple socket shell. Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Log editor that cleans Utmp, Wtmp, LastLog, Messages, XferLog, Secure and MailLog. Linux - c source Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Utmp editor that permits to change id, tty and host of a user logged in the system. BFi3 8). Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Network datapipe with interactive mode, support for proxy server socks (v4 or v5), logging facility and option to concatenate more pipes. Documentation: 'PiPPA v2', BFi4 (December 98). Linux/WinNT - perl source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Loadable Kernel Module to hide in a system. It substitutes in 4kbytes a full rootkit. Only for 2.0.x kernels. Documentation: 'PR0GETT0 CAR0NTE - PARTE I' , BFi3 (Luglio 98); 'PR0GETT0 CAR0NTE - PARTE II' , BFi4 (December 98). Linux - LKM c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Trojan that enables file and printer sharing, and then enables sharing on all drives with full access. Documentation: 'WiND0WS E PASSW0RD' , BFi4 (December 98). Win9x - binary. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Shell hidden into ICMP tunneling that uses 0x00 ECHO REPLY messages to carry data. Includes: 007Shell, ICMP Tunneling Library v1. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
Kit including two tools that scan for exploitable versions of IMAP4; the scan can be accomplished by specifying a single host or using a file containing all the ip's. Includes: Imap4 scanner, Imap4 checker. Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k
rpc.ttdbserver scanner (adapted from statd scanner by BiT), it uses a file containing the list of ip's to scan. BFiSN98 (December 98). Linux - c source. Courtesy of soft project digital security for y2k