LibMix v1.08 is a library that provides an API for various useful functions, including an AES encryption interface, various network front-ends and low level datagram functions, as well as functions for string manipulations and other miscellaneous utility functions. It also includes functions to transmit encrypted data via stateless spoofed datagrams (tfntransmit/tfnread).
nbnbs.c is a NetBIOS name bulk security scanner for unix. It does long-range network scans for NetBIOS names (Windows and UNIX Samba servers) and logs positives. Based off of nbname.c by mynock and ADM.
RFP2K02 - "Netscape engineers are weenies!" AKA a back door in Microsoft FrontPage extensions/authoring components. Anyone with web authoring permission can use a backdoor in dvwssr.dll to read .asp (and .asa) files under the web root. As Microsoft has told me, the immediate problem is moreso the fact that any developer of one particular virtual site can download the .asp code of other virtual sites on the same system. Includes, a perl based exploit.