L0pht Security Advisory - Microsoft Office 2000 UA Control Scripting is categorized as being "safe for scripting", allowing malicious active content to execute regardless of macro virus protection settings. Scripts can be executed without users consent from any HTML page viewed with active scripting enabled, including both Internet Explorer and Outlook e-mail in their default configurations. Online demonstration of this vulnerability in action here.
Freak88's Distributed Attack Suite is a windows trojan similar to wintrin00. It can connect up to 3 infected machines and start 65000 byte ICMP floods. Auto starts from the registry and copies itself to c:\windows\system.
Bastille Linux aims to be the most comprehensive, flexible, and educational Security Hardening Program for Red Hat Linux 6.0/6.1/6.2. Virtually every task it performs is optional, providing immense flexibility. It educates the installing admin regarding the topic at hand before asking any question. The interactive nature allows the program to be more thorough when securing, while the educational component produces an admin who is less likely to compromise the increased security.
Analysis of the "mstream" distributed denial of service attack tool, based on the source code of "stream2.c", a classic point-to-point DoS attack tool. mstream is more primitive than any of the other DDoS tools.
Microsoft Linux box cover. Very chilling, frightening, and funny too.
sendfile.pl is a tool which uses echo to send files to any webserver which has an unchecked open() call in a cgi script.
Websites using Allmanage Website Administration Software 2.6 with the upload ability contain an easily exploited vulnerability wich gives you full add/del/change access in the user-account directories and you can change the files in the main directory of the CGI script.
Watcheador is a Windows application allows you to view ASP source code using the Index Server bug in IIS 4 & IIS 5. Written in Delphi 4.0. Comments in spanish.
tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunneling and encryption to create a secure private network between multiple hosts on the Internet. This tunneling allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Internet without exposing any information.
Iptables is built on top of netfilter: the new packet alteration framework for Linux 2.4. It is an enhancement on ipchains, and is used to control packet filtering, Network Address Translation (masquerading, portforwarding, transparent proxying), and special effects.
Silent delivery and installation of an executable on a target Windows computer is possible by combining some bugs. No client input other than opening an email or newsgroup post is neceassary, making the possibilities endless. The key component is from Georgi Guninski, the wordpad overflow. An ActiveX control does the rest. Exploit code included.