USSR Advisory #42 - HP Web JetAdmin remote denial of service attack. HP Web JetAdmin Version 6.0 for Windows NT / 2000 has a heap overflow. Sending a malformed URL the JetAdmin service which runs on port 8000 will cause it to stop responding.
USSR Advisory #41 - HP Web JetAdmin web interface server directory traversal vulnerability. HP Web JetAdmin Version 5.6 for Windows NT and 2000 (tcp port 8000) allows an attacker to read any file outside of the intended web-published filesystem directory. Exploit URL included.
Ping Analysis Tool II (PAT) performs icmp echo scans on a range of ip addresses as fast as physically possible. Features a dual-threaded scanning process and allows you to scan from a list of IP's.
SAINT is the Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool. It gathers as much information about remote hosts and networks as possible by examining all network services and potential security flaws. The collected data can then be analyzed using a simple rules-based system (or via other included interfaces). In Exploratory Mode, SAINT will examine the avenues of trust and dependency and iterate further data collection runs over secondary hosts.
There is a remote denial of service exploit against tcpdump. Tcpdump interprets UDP packets on port 53 as DNS traffic, however, domain names in DNS packets use a compression scheme that jumps to a particular offset in the packet to avoid multiple occurances. Sending a packet that has the offset set to a particular location and if a program trying to decompress the domain name does not have a strategy for avoiding infinite loops, tcpdump may fall into an infinite loop.
Simpsons CGI Scanner v1.1 - Windows based CGI / web server vulnerability scanner with a simpsons theme. Tested on Windows 95/98/2000/NT. Allows use of your own CGI database.
BufferOverflow Security Advisory #5 - Remote shell via Qpopper2.53. qpop_euidl.c exploit included. Requires a qpop account and gives UID mail.
Cisco IOS Router DOS attack via a specially formatted web get request.
Cisco Auditing Tool - Perl script which scans cisco routers for common vulnerabilities. Checks for default passwords, easily guessable community names, and the IOS history bug. Includes support for plugins and scanning multiple hosts.