ouch.c is a local linux denial of service attack which runs ls -w with a large parameter, causing ls to take up all the available memory. Obfuscated source.
Narrow Security Scanner 2000 (unix / perl) searches for 534 remote vulnerabilities. Updated frequently for the newest vulnerabilities. Tested on Redhat, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, Slackware, and SuSE.
silk.c allows you to craft custom HTTP requests. Makes it simple to set the method, vhost, referer, uri, agent, and http version.
eSS is a remote security scanner for linux that scans remote nodes for known security flaws. It does some of the simple probing technics automatically like banner grabbing, OS guessing. Includes a multithreaded TCP portscanner.
Apache DSO backdoor - A get request to a "special" url allows remote command execution.
Debian Security Advisory - Majordomo will no longer be distributed with Debian linux due to licensing restrictions which do not allow a fixed version of Majordomo to be distributed. If you are using majordomo we recommend that you replace it with one of the many other mailing-list tools available such as fml, mailman or smartlist. Debian security homepage: https://www.debian.org
Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS00-037) - Patch Available for "HTML Help File Code Execution" vulnerability. Microsoft has released a patch for a security vulnerability in the HTML Help facility which ships with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and 5. The vulnerability allows a malicious web site to launch code on a visiting user's computer without the user's approval. Such code could take any actions that the user could take, including adding, changing or deleting data, or communicating with a remote web site. Microsoft FAQ on this issue available here.
gdm (xdmcp) remote root exploit. Tested against SuSE 6.2 and RedHat 6.2 running gdm-2.0beta1-4. Binds a shell to port 3879.