SuSE Security Advisory - dhclient below version 2.0 contains a remote root vulnerability because dhclient does not do quoting of server messages before passing them to /sbin/dhclient-script. Dhclient could be tricked by a rogue DHCP server to execute commands as user root.
SuSE Security Advisory - Tnef v0-124 and below contains a remote vulnerability. Tnef extracts eMails compressed with MS-Outlook. The compressed file includes the path name to which the decompressed data should be written. When specifing a path name like /etc/passwd and sending a compressed mail to root an adversary could gain remote root access to a system by overwriting the local password database. The same could happen if a mail virus scanner, like AMaVIS, process a malicious mail.
WFTPD and WFTPD Pro 2.41 RC10 are vulnerable to a dos attack which requires a valid account. An out of sequence RNTO command will cause WFTPD to crash. Perl exploit included.
Default password list v3.03 - Contains 820 default passwords, last updated July 10, 2000. Includes default passwords for BIOSes, hundreds of network devices, applications, unix, VMS, HP2000/3000, OS/400, CMS, PBX systems, Windows NT, Novell, Oracle, and many more.
USSR Advisory #49 - Remote dos attack in WircSrv IRC Server v5.07s. A malformed request to port 6667 will cause the process containing the services to stop responding. Perl exploit included.
Weekly Newsletter from Help Net Security Issue 21 - 10.07.2000 - Covers weekly roundups of security related events. In this issue: Remote DOS attack in real networks real server, Oracle web listener for AIX dos, poll_it.cgi vulnerability, Cobalt linux problems, Flowerfire sawmill vulnerabilities, Novell Border Manager problem, BitchX, Securing palm pilots, Network Solutions authentication FAQ, Cellular GSM fraud, Hacker insurance, and weekly security news.
ELF binary segment probe will search an exectuable or core dump for a string, giving you its exact location in the memory, its segment location, offset in segment and segment type. Very useful for finding offsets for exploits.
This file activates the field for the IP in ICQ 2000 normally the field isn't available hopefully some will now be able to make the client unmask the IP now that the field actually exists. Use: to be used simply replace the ICQinfo.dll file with this one thats all.