Stealth HTTP Security Scanner 1.0 build 23 - Checks for 2967 http vulnerabilities. Run on Win32 and Linux under Wine. Free.
7923afbd6ea5e133afaebd412527abee0e57811b55bd54d8326511a58fd68f33 is a threaded 7-headed Denial of Service, which should be used to test/audit the TCP/IP stack stability on your different Operating Systems, under extreme network conditions. The seven different DoS implemented there (1 over udp, 2 over icmp, 2 over igmp, 1 over tcp and 1 using random protocol numbers) exploit some known bugs of various networking proto stacks. Requires Net::RawIP.
8b5da8ef566511c823fce6e7a2792da36fbb3d01c6f96ff37cfafa87a2679169 does brute force DNS lookups - When you can't dump dns, you can still lookup every word in the dictionary.
b0bfce467136a1972b139f8717a84e23e12605cc686726c9fe38264c84bd9871 is a simple scanner written in perl to retrieve the remote http server version.
DQS package v3.2.7 (/usr/bin/dsh) local root exploit. Tested against SuSE 6.3, 6.4, and 7.0.
Isnprint.c displays the ISN numbers of a remote server. Useful for testing the recent ISN vulnerabilities, as discussed in Lcrzo.
Knark v2.4.3 port is a usable kernel-based rootkit for Linux which is based on knark-0.59. Hides files in the filesystem, strings from /proc/net for netstat, processes, and program execution redirects. Also includes a kernel module to protect Linux 2.4 from knark.
Nbtstream.c is a NetBIOS session request flooder which exploits the bug discussed in MS00-091. Causes unpatched Windows machines to hang or crash.
Ethereal is a GTK+-based network protocol analyzer, or sniffer, that lets you capture and interactively browse the contents of network frames. The goal of the project is to create a commercial-quality analyzer for Unix and to give Ethereal features that are missing from closed-source sniffers. Screenshot available here.
Dscan is a distributed port scanner which scans from many hosts, making it harder to detect. Uses a client / server model.
Apache is the most popular webserver on the Internet, quite possibly the best in terms of security, functionality, efficiency, and speed.
mod_ssl provides provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3 webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1). It is based on the SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL and supports all SSL/TLS related functionality, including RSA and DSA/DH cipher support, X.509 CRL checking, etc. Additionally it provides special Apache related facilities like DBM and shared memory based inter-process SSL session caching. per-URL SSL session renegotiations, DSO support, etc.