Stealth Syscall Redirection - This article describes a technique of redirecting system calls without modifying the sys call table (implemented in Linux). This can be used to evade intrusion detection systems that use the sys call table to register redirected or trojaned system calls. The basic premise behind this attack is to modify the old system call code to jump to the new system call, thus control is transferred to the replacement system call and the sys call table is left untouched.
StMichael is a LKM that attempts to detect and divert attempts to install a kernel-module backdoor into a running linux system. This is done by monitoring the init_module and delete_module process for changes in the system call table. This is a experimental version, and a spin off from the Saint Jude Project.
ICMP Usage in Scanning v3.0 - This paper outlines what can be done with the ICMP protocol regarding scanning. Although it may seem harmless at first glance, this paper includes details on plain Host Detection techniques, Advanced Host Detection techniques, Inverse Mapping, Trace routing, OS fingerprinting methods with ICMP, and which ICMP traffic should be filtered on a Filtering Device.