D-Link routers with a firmware of 2.70 and below are vulnerable to a denial of service vulnerability providing the attacker has the ability to see the internal interface on the router. Sending a malformed URL to the syslog script will caused a DNS query. Multitudes of this query can result in a DoS and other odd forms of behavior.
Boss 3.2.1 with Jetty is vulnerable to full JSP source code disclosure when using a null byte.
Apache Tomcat versions prior to tomcat-4.1.24 create /opt/tomcat with a directory mode which allowed users to access files containing passwords.
This simple utility will connect to a webserver of your choosing and verify whether or not it is compliant to RFC 2616. Designed to verify Microsoft IIS servers.
Snort is giving away free t-shirts for writing rules. Gets yours today.
Windows XP SP1 shellcode (19 bytes).