scanAlert is a utility that is designed to immediately alert an administrator of a port scan against Linux.
LogDog is a very easy to configure and install system log monitor for watching system log files and emailing administrators when problems are found. Note that LogDog sends email to REAL email addresses, and does not require sendmail to be installed, it uses SendEmail which is also written by me and is included with the LogDog package as of v0.94.4. LogDog has a single configuration file which allows you to easily specify a list of key words to watch for, a list of words to ignore, a list of administrators to email when problems are found.
WebTerm is a program in three parts that sends a shell over HTTP. These include a cgi binary, a client-side terminal, and another binary to execute commands via /bin/sh.
scponly is an alternative shell for system administrators who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write local files without providing any remote execution privileges. Functionally, it is a wrapper around the ssh suite of applications.
Libnids is a library that provides a functionality of one of NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) components, namely E-component. It means that libnids code watches all local network traffic, cooks received datagrams a bit (quite a bit ;)), and provides convenient information on them to analyzing modules of NIDS. So, if you intend to develop a custom NIDS, you do not have to build low-level network code. If you decide to use libnids, and you have got E-component ready - you can focus on implementing other parts of NIDS.
Trillian, a popular utility used in conjunction with various Instant Messaging like ICQ, AIM, MSN Messenger, etc, stores a User's password utilizing a simple XOR with a key that is uniform throughout every installation. This utility decrypts all related .INI files displaying a list of usernames, "encrypted" passwords, and plain text passwords.
ChecaUserinApache - A utility that makes use of the 401 error page in Apache to verify whether or not a user exists on that system.
Netcraft Scan - a shell script utility created to scan a multitude of hosts at once via the public service Netcraft.