When the program is running it's acting like a server for information shown on your browser. When information is recived the program isn't checking if the data is from local computer or remote computer so you can execute commands on remote computer that runs eLoL. It is possible to do it with your browser, just connect to: 123.321.123.5:2388/BackTo 123.321.123.5 is the remote ip, 2338 is eLoL port (It's not static so you have to find it yourself) and /BackTo is the command. In this case the browser on the remote computer will shut down itself. The commands sent are limited to the program and as far as i know you can't control someones computer with that. The commands are: /BackTo /Skip /IKnowIt /Vote5 /Vote4 /Vote3 /Vote2 /Vote1 /SendToFriend