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News Date: 2002-08-01 to 2002-08-31

Lobbyists Argue Against NSA Linux
Posted Aug 30, 2002
Source Security Focus

tags | government, linux
Bush Asks Users To Help Stop Cyberattacks
Posted Aug 29, 2002
Source CNN

tags | headline
Another Microsoft Certificate Related Flaw
Posted Aug 29, 2002
Source The Register

tags | microsoft, flaw
FBI Charged with Breaking into Russian Computers
Posted Aug 27, 2002
Source Security Focus

tags | government, russia
Canadian Electronic Surveillance Bill Proposed
Posted Aug 27, 2002
Source Cnet News

tags | privacy, canada
Link Found Between Autism and Hacking
Posted Aug 26, 2002
Source Vnunet

tags | headline
Serious New Vulnerabilities in MS Office and IE
Posted Aug 23, 2002
Source The New Scientist

tags | microsoft
Microsoft Discloses API Details
Posted Aug 23, 2002
Source The Register

tags | microsoft
Six New IE Bugs
Posted Aug 23, 2002
Source The Register

tags | microsoft
Secret Court Rebuffs Ashcroft
Posted Aug 22, 2002
Source The Washington Post

tags | government
Admins Patch SSL Servers Slowly
Posted Aug 22, 2002
Source The Register

tags | patch, ssl
Posted Aug 22, 2002
Source ISP

tags | riaa
NASA Plans to Read Terrorists Minds
Posted Aug 19, 2002
Source The Washington Times

tags | space
Music Labels Sue US ISP's for Allowing Access to Copywritten Music
Posted Aug 19, 2002
Source CNN

tags | usa
Posted Aug 19, 2002
Source The Register

tags | headline
Sprint Telco Security Faulted in Vegas Hacks
Posted Aug 19, 2002
Source Security Focus

tags | headline
Russians Accuse FBI Agent of Hacking
Posted Aug 17, 2002
Source The Register

tags | government, russia
Win2k SP3 Collects Information
Posted Aug 16, 2002
Source The Register

tags | microsoft
Oracle 9i Breakable
Posted Aug 14, 2002
Source The Register

tags | database, oracle
PGP and GPG Vulnerable to Chosen Ciphertext Attack
Posted Aug 13, 2002
Source The Register

tags | headline
SSL Defeated in IE and Konqueror
Posted Aug 12, 2002
Source The Register

tags | microsoft, ssl
Sun Revives X86 Solaris
Posted Aug 12, 2002
Source The Register

tags | headline
Another CDE Tooltalk Bug
Posted Aug 12, 2002
Source The Register

tags | headline
Alcatel Owns Employees Thoughts
Posted Aug 12, 2002
Source The Register

tags | headline
The Truth About the Recent NIPC Warning
Posted Aug 9, 2002
Source Wired

tags | government
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