Quick recode of netzero.c - From 200 lines to 3.
/* netzero.c - ambient empire style
this is a clean up of missnglnk's netzero.c but
im not so confident that the original even worked properly
due to a single `\` in the strings, and improper array sizes.
#define _V v[2][i]
main(int c,char**v){
int printf(),isdigit(),strlen(),l=c==3?strlen(v[2]):0,i=-1;
static char pwd[16],*s=pwd,*map[2]={
printf("Netzero Password Generator\nVersion 0.9\nambient@empire\n\n");
if(!l||l>14)return(printf("%s login password\n(pwd. length <= 14)\n",*v));