The CollabNet Subversion Edge Management Frontend does not protect against brute forcing accounts. An attacker has infinite tries to guess a valid user password. Fixed in version 5.0. Version 4.0.11 is affected.
# Vuln Title: The CollabNet Subversion Edge does not protect against brute
# forcing accounts
# Date: 28.06.2015
# Author: otr
# Software Link:
# Vendor: CollabNet
# Version: 4.0.11
# Tested on: Fedora Linux
# Type: Lack of defensive measures
# Risk: Medium
# Status: public/fixed
# Fixed versions: 5.0
2014-10-09 Flaw Discovered
2014-10-20 Vendor contacted
2014-10-21 Vendor response
2014-12-08 Vendor fix proposal
2014-12-08 Extension of embargo to 19.4.2015
2015-05-04 Extension of embargo until release of version 5.0
2015-05-18 Release of version 5.0 and public disclosure
The CollabNet Subversion Edge Management Frontend does not protect against brute
forcing accounts. An attacker has infinite tries to guess a valid user password.
Fix proposal:
Implement user specific time penalities or lock outs after a certain amount of
failed logins and provide configuration options for that feature.
Vendor fix:
Invalid logins now cause an exponential increase in response time. The rate of
increase and maximum is configurable with the default settings of 1 minute wait
time after 15 invalid logins in 5 minutes.